FIG-Forth Implementations
The original scanning of FIG-Forth Implementations was done by John Hall. Subsequently, Jay McKnight used the optical character recognition function of Adobe Acrobat to further process these image files, converting them into the searchable PDF documents listed here. Please note that:
Please forward any proof-read plain text versions of these implementations to the FIG webmaster for posting. A note on these FIG-Forth Implementations files: "I have processed these FIG-Forth Implementations PDF files thru the "optical character reader" (OCR) and "reduce file size" functions of Adobe's "Acrobat Version 7". This does a pretty good, but not perfect, job of recognizing continuous English-language text characters, but I have not proof-read any of the text, so there will certainly be errors." "So with such text you can use Acrobat or the free Acrobat Reader to view these files as an image, and to search for words, or to copy words, lines, or blocks of text, which are "text behind the image". But for any critical application, you must proof read the resultant text." "With program listings, this Acrobat OCR does not work so well. It tends to ignore columns of numbers, and perhaps even columns of alphanumeric characters that are not English-language words. It also stops working after a long space between columns. Acrobat has many "preferences" that one must search for. Also there are other OCR programs, such as "OmniPage", sold by Nuance. So if you need to OCR the program listings, it would be worth while for you to see if there is a better way to do it than I have used here."
The PDF documents are viewable with Adobe Acrobat Reader. A copy can be downloaded from the Adobe website.
Original Forth Implementations by the Forth Interest Group
Updated FIG-Forth Implementations